waaa, da pagi rupeny..
xpasan, bru je nengok jam kt lappy niy..
xley tido lak, jLn3, jumpe sumtg..
hehe nk taw ape 2..?
jp3.. b4 2, kowang bce x tjok enTry niy..?
kt ats 2 haa...
mm kowang taw x ape Chūsen 2..?
hehe mksudny lucky draw.. or cabutan bertuah kot melayu..(n_n)
hmm b4 niy kan, banyak je pengalaman lam lucky draw..
peserta, penyedia(btol ke istilah 2? hehee~) n also pencabot, tapi xpnah2 ade pn wt lucky draw wit..
mm dats y, musti penganjur niy bek ati kn..
nyway, syukran'alaik sbb anjurkn luckydraw niy, ley tlg pemenang 2, insyaAllah....(^_^)
mse stdy kt pusat asasi dlu, agak aktif dlm berpersatuan..
bile wt aktiviti pape je, musti ade lucky draw..
sebabny, nk tarik audience..
da taw daa, dyowg dtg sbb lucky draw, bkn sbb nk dgr crmh, talk or join aktiviti yg ktowg anjurkn 2..
papepun, ley menyelam sambil minum air kan..
among the luckydraw that we used to serve were cup, art plate, bo0kmarks, notebooks, 'jajan' etc..(n_n)
even we are not the one who receive(da lucky one), but we'll very happy because we can make others happy by giving, rite..?
dont believe it..?
try it then..(n_n)
what u give, u get back..(^_^)
to all bloggers n readers, for further information, plz3..
click here..(",)
in korean, lucky draw means: 행운의 무승부 haeng-un-ui museungbu
also, in arabic: محظوظ التعادل
africaans: gelukkige trekking
bulgarian: shtastliv teglya ***erkk..
how bout chinese? here: 抽奖 Chōujiǎng
dutch: verloting
danish: heldig hæve
filipino: mapalad gumuhit**rememba pangako sayo..? hehe
spanish: sorteo
hindi is quite similar to english: लकी ड्रा Lakī ḍrā
last but not least...
hehe guess what..?
จับ รางวัล Cạb rāngwạl
which country do u think it belongs to..?
gud.. Thai..(n_n) thumbs up!!
Labels: Akhlaqul Karimah, HuBaiB
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