Whoever directs someone to a good, then he will have the reward equal to the doer of the action
On the authority of Abi Mas'ood 'Uqbah bin 'Amr al-Ansaaree al-Badaree -may Allah be pleased with him- he said: The Messenger of Allah -sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam- said: "Whoever directs someone to a good, then he will have the reward equal to the doer of the action." (Muslim:1893)
Ash-Sheikh 'Abdullah bin 'Abdur Rahman Al-Bassaam -may Allah have mercy upon him- says: That which is extracted from this hadeeth:
1- That the Believer is the one who is an example and a leader in doing righteousness and performing goodness, the Most High says: "And those who say: Our Lord! Bestow upon us from our wives and our offspring that which is pleasing to the eyes, and make us leaders for the Muttaqoon." (25:74) And the Most High says: And We made them leaders guiding (mankind) by Our command.... (21:73)
It comes in Muslim (1017) from the hadeeth of Jarir bin 'Abdillah -may Allah be pleased with him- that the Prophet -sallahu 'alayhi wasallam- said: Whoever introduces a good practice in Islam which was followed after him (by people) he will have the reward like the one who has done it, without their rewards being diminished in the least.*
2- The hadeeth in this chapter indicates that the person who directs someone to a good whether it be pertaining to the good of the Worldly Life or Hereafter: he will have a similar reward like the one who performed it without their being any decrease from the reward of the doer of the action (the one who is actually doing the act), rather it is a (full) reward because of him being a good model and exemplar in doing beneficence.
3- From the most excellent of righteous actions that are considered to be of benefit (to mankind) and the fruits of those actions remaining: Beneficial Knowledge; which is (knowledge) of the legislation of Allah the Most High from its fundelmentals and subdivisions and whatever assists one in attaining understanding of it (the legislation of Allah).
So whoever disseminates this knowledge then he has earnestly participated in being a good example, and a guide towards the straight path and he has removed people -by the permission of Allah the Most High- from the murkiness of ignorance to the light of knowledge, right guidance and integrity of conduct.
And he has attained by this a mighty reward from Allah the Most High, for indeed he -sallahu 'alayhi wasallam- has said: Verily if Allah guides by way of you one man it is better for you than the red camels. Bukhaari (3009) and Muslim (2406)
Taken from: Towdeeh al-Ahkaam min Bulooghil Maraam by Ash-Sheikh 'Abdullah bin 'Abdur Rahman Al-Bassaam.
Compiled and Translated by: Abu Fouzaan Qaasim
*Compilers note: Ash-Sheikh Muhammad Al-'Uthaymeen mentions in his explanation of this hadeeth as it comes in Riyaad as-Saaliheen: "The intent by 'introduces a good practice in Islaam' refers to the one who begins by acting upon a sunnah that has been forsaken and not the one who actually invents something into the religion. Because the one who invents something into the religion that is not from it then it is rejected and it is not considered as something good. However the intent by 'introducing something' means: He becomes the first to do it after it has been left off and abandoned by the people.
So breifly, whoever introduces into Islaam a good practice (whether it is the revitalization of an abandoned sunnah or just good practices in Islaam), and there is no such thing as a good practice in Islaam except that which the legislation has come with, he will have the reward of it and the reward of the one who does it after him."
Subhaanak Allahumma wa bihamdika Ashadu An Laailaaha Illa Anta Astagfiruka Wa Atoobu Ilayk....
credit to:Abu Umar Ahmad Syarief
Labels: Akhlaqul Karimah, HuBaiB
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