~ tRue fRieNd.. ~


ayat quran 


No one  loves you

more than ur beautiful Creator..

created you with love..

wanting to see you smile..

ready to share your pain,

helping you go further..


you take a step towards Him,

He’ll run to you a mile..

you give Him a share of ur love,

he’ll gives you more and more..

if you’re trapped in darkness,

He’ll shower you with light..


no one..

no one understands you more

than your Glorious Lord..

when no one wants to listen,

He’ll stay and will listen to you..

when no one wants to know..

no one..

He’ll be your friend..


do not..

do not ever think you’re alone..

He is always with you..

He’s always stay by your side..

do not..

do not ever be afraid..

He’ll give you sustenance..

the Beauty of His Mercy and compassion

bestowed upon you..


is a part of all His signs to show His love for you..

who’ll then reject His love..?

Reject His companionship..?


truly they’ll be unsuccessful in this world and hereafter..


don’t throw away the benevolence of His love..

don’t leave the only true friend you have..

because Allah loves you more than anybody does..


masjid biru (2)


say: 0 ‘ibadi who have transgressed against themselves..! Despair not of the mercy of Allah. Verily, Allah forgives all sins.. Truly, He’s Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.. [Qur’an 39: 53]





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~ C.i.N.t.a...c.U.m.A...B.u.A.t..-.N.y.A ~

~ C.i.N.t.a...c.U.m.A...B.u.A.t..-.N.y.A ~

~ f0fuLaR ke ~


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