''Diberi 2 mata,
tujuan yang pertama adalah untuk melihat kebaikan orang lain
dan kedua adalah muhasabah kelemahan sendiri..''
jaga matamu,
jangan kotori..
jaga jiwamu,
jangan cemari..
jaga hatimu,
jangan nodai..
jaga mentarimu,
jangan sakiti..
Rasa cinta pasti ada
Pada makhluk yang bernyawa
Sejak lama sampai kini
Tetap suci dan abadi
Takkan hilang selamanya
Sampai datang akhir masa
Perasaan insan sama
Ingin cinta dan dicinta
Bukan ciptaan manusia
Tapi takdir Yang Kuasa
Janganlah engkau mungkiri
Segala yang Tuhan beri…
No one loves you
more than ur beautiful Creator..
created you with love..
wanting to see you smile..
ready to share your pain,
helping you go further..
you take a step towards Him,
He’ll run to you a mile..
you give Him a share of ur love,
he’ll gives you more and more..
if you’re trapped in darkness,
He’ll shower you with light..
no one..
no one understands you more
than your Glorious Lord..
when no one wants to listen,
He’ll stay and will listen to you..
when no one wants to know..
no one..
He’ll be your friend..
do not..
do not ever think you’re alone..
He is always with you..
He’s always stay by your side..
do not..
do not ever be afraid..
He’ll give you sustenance..
the Beauty of His Mercy and compassion
bestowed upon you..
is a part of all His signs to show His love for you..
who’ll then reject His love..?
Reject His companionship..?
truly they’ll be unsuccessful in this world and hereafter..
don’t throw away the benevolence of His love..
don’t leave the only true friend you have..
because Allah loves you more than anybody does..
say: 0 ‘ibadi who have transgressed against themselves..! Despair not of the mercy of Allah. Verily, Allah forgives all sins.. Truly, He’s Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.. [Qur’an 39: 53]
Labels: dETik2 tErAkHiR hiDuPkU, HuBaiB, MuTiArA
i leave and go..
but Allah ‘the one with all the kindness’ is always there..
and i ask Him for hope that is never rejected..
and i ask Him safety from a world..
I'm tested through it
where it’s disasters turn me gray..
and i ask Him all the time and in all cases
because He’s the one who makes our hearts feel safe..
the way He makes everything around
is beyond our imagination..
It is mysterious to us
because it’s the fate to be..
It’s Allah who eases things for us..
but it’s beyond our knowledge..
and easing hard tragedy on us,
and from generosity and hidden kindness,
as well as solutions to hardships we face…
I've no one to ask but Allah..
He’s my only Lord..
and the only one my heart is full of love for..
He’s generous, blessing, kind..
and answer the prayers of His slaves..
He covers up His slave’s sins..
and answer who ever ask Him..
He’s patient, forgiving,
and always put forgiveness before punishment..
He’s so merciful that His mercy
includes all beings..
Oh Lord of all lords..
please forgive me..
my sins distanced me from you..
my mistakes and sins sicken me more everyday..
but i know..
you’re the only doctor,
who can make me feel fine..
Oh Allah..
keep those who envy away from me..
and please..
make me feel safe..
disasters do indeed hurt..
and bless me..
with the company of my family and friends..
because it’s easy for anyone to feel lonely..
i feel really sad about those young kids..
whenever i recall them,
i almost burst into tears..
but I've to let go my own matters
to Allah…
who is the Wisest in managing everything in His world..
He’s the most Merciful
who i believe in and ask..
by His help and from Him
i ask for forgiveness..
Oh Rabbi..
you know how am i doing..
is there a resolution soon..?
Oh Lord of the day of justice,
make those aches in the heart go away..
show me
what makes you content with..
look at me
and please….
make me give up all my sins..
shall i do..
protect me..
and make me prevail..
and give me strength,
when my powers faint..
and please…
inspire me
to mention and praise You all my life..
since everything in my life becomes sweet when i worship You..
and ask for all these blessings not just for me,
but for all those who believe in Allah..
we all share the mercy..
we were blessed by from the Lord..
my believe and thought of you Sir..
is the most beautiful..
i gain my strength and my hopes
from the richness of worshipping you..
and Allah pray upon the prophets and his family
with the sweetest sounds of all chanting birds..
thank you Allah..
for everything..
Labels: Akhlaqul Karimah, dETik2 tErAkHiR hiDuPkU, HuBaiB, MuTiArA
Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya; dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka atau bapa mertua mereka atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak-anak tiri mereka, atau saudara-saudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang lelaki, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan Islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang aurat perempuan; dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka; dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, wahai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu berjaya.- SURAH AN-NUUR : 31
kasih dihampar merenangi lautan
sayang diatur menguak daratan
rindu disemai meniti anugerah
meraba bayangan mengintai mentari
sinar yang hadir merona harapan
itu kisah dulu
mungkinkah mentari kan kembali mnyinari hati
yang sekiang lama merintih
yang sekian lama meratib
yang sekian lama menanti
ibarat puisi pungguk dan rembulan
pungguk membisu merenung sang bulan
bulan terpaku menyimbah alam
mungkinkah terbalas sesaat penantian
akukah pungguk, akukah bulan
ku cuma mampu berserah pada Tuhan
sambil terus berdoa mengharap jawapan
Allah.. Ya Wadud..
ku masih inginkan dy..
ku tetap rindukan dy..
Labels: dETik2 tErAkHiR hiDuPkU, HuBaiB, MuTiArA
missing malaysia.
missing ummi.
missing them.
missing him.
Al-Fatihah to all of you..
angin, sapa mereka dengan rinduku.
bayu, belai mereka dengan kasihku.
mentari, sinari mereka dengan cintaku.
moga Allah sudi sampaikan rinduku buat kalian.
Labels: dETik2 tErAkHiR hiDuPkU, HuBaiB
~ C.i.N.t.a...c.U.m.A...B.u.A.t..-.N.y.A ~